What we've been up to....

There hasn't been a lot of big movies to come through Las Vegas this year, but Jessica has no doubt kept busy within the film industry. Whether she is marketing and advertising in the lighting & grip world or keeping a hair & makeup crew alive during a summer shoot outside, she is doing at least a little something to move her career forward every single day!

Steven has stayed busy managing a number a websites for small businesses. Always meeting new people and having to familiarize himself with new industries, his IT brand has really expanded this year, even venturing into photo editing and graphic design. With ever growing knowledge & experience in all things geek... He is having a great time!
Dear Steven and Jessica, We truly enjoyed viewing all the pictures, thank you for the nice Christmas card. Hopefully someday we might get your way to visit. Time sure passes too quickly, before we know it everyone has gone in many directions. We really need to keep reaching out. (The last time I saw you and Addysen was for my 80th birthday in Tucson.)I’m now 84 years. Happy New Year to you both, hope your New Year brings much happiness. Lots of Love, Grandpa Gary and Grandma Jan
Thanks for taking the time to look at all of it! We will definitely come visit if we ever make it out your way!! Happy Holidays